GM PCM OBD-II HW registers

David Cooley n5xmt at
Fri Dec 24 02:23:42 GMT 1999

At 01:10 PM 12/24/1999 +1100, you wrote:
>I'm was looking at Motorola's site, and came across these
>interesting URLs
>Application Notes: Automotive:
>J1850 Multiplex Bus Communication Using the MC68HC705C8 and the
>SC371016 J1850 Communications Interface (JCI):
>SG187/ D Rev. 1 Automotive Selector Guide Quarter 4, 1999:
>Lot's more stuff there - but still didn't see 68hc58

I called Motorola a while back when I was looking into the OBD-II 
scantool...  They claim the SC371016 doesn't exist and had no idea why it 
was on their web site.  They sent me a couple 68HC05V8 MCU with J1850 
interface.  They soon after discontinued them.
David Cooley N5XMT Internet: N5XMT at
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