[Fwd: diy_efi_www]

Mike Wesley mwesley at mediaone.net
Tue Jun 15 00:48:44 GMT 1999

David Cooley wrote:
> At 12:36 PM 6/14/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >>
> >> The reason I ask, is that there is an official Ford EEC presence on
> >> Undernet that I have found extremely helpful.  Maybe someone should
> >> consider hanging out a shingle....
> What channel and who's the official presence?  Looking for EEC help

That would be me and my channel :)

#eec-efi on Undernet

Best thing (if yer not behind a firewall) is www.mirc.com
get thier SW, install it. Pick the Dallas Undernet server (Dallas seems
to be the fastest) and then join #eec-efi.
There are alot of us EEC 'tuners' on there everyday.

Oh, my 'nickname' on there is NineSecSR.

Ok, GM content :)
Been working a bit with a ECU out of a 99 truck. Got about half way done
with a 332 disassembler since it seems this ECU is sort of based on
that. Pinout is different but I've figured out most of the relevent
pins. I'm drawing schematics of the thing as I go. I've dumped the FLASH
out, whoa, when your used to Ford code, GM stuff looks pretty foreign ;)
Anyone hacked through a newer ECU yet?

Mike Wesley

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