CSH,HQ, Remote PC problems

Frederic Breitwieser frederic at xephic.dynip.com
Thu Jun 17 20:55:27 GMT 1999

> Anyone have a 486 laptop for sale cheap?
> The catch is, it needs to have an internal modem,

I have a 486 color NEC of some sort, with a 600 or 800 MB drive, 16MB
ram, and two PCMCIA slots, and the proprietary charger thing.  I know
the battery is fairy shot, as it doesn't hold a charge.

Mail me, we can talk about what we can do with this.  I don't have a
PCMCIA modem, I don't think, however my Compaq palmtop came with a
14.4k, maybe I still have it somewhere.


Frederic Breitwieser
Bridgeport CT 06606

1993 Supercharged Lincoln Continental
1989 HWMMV w/turbocharged 500cid Caddy
1975 Dodge D200 Club Cab soon to have 431 stroker + turbos
2000 (I hope) Buick GTP (Mid-Engined Sports Car)

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