It runs now! (pulls liike a beast too)

christer.medin at christer.medin at
Mon Jun 21 14:21:46 GMT 1999

Thanks, now I've heard these numbers from two sources so I feel a little more confident in them :^)
The ECM can use a standard o2 sensor or a wideband one; we currently have it setup for the stock o2 sensor.  One thing struck me, though -- we're using the 130,000 mile 12 year old O2 sensor still... maybe it would be a good idea to get a stock replacement for it, at the very least.  The wideband sensors are a little pricey still.
As for the swinging back/forth, isn't that a function of the sensor itself rather than the program?  I would think that once you approach the ideal a/f ratio I should be able to see the voltages swing, no matter the ECM...


From: 	MIME :n5xmt at
Sent: 	Monday, June 21, 1999 10:14 AM
To: 	gmecm at
Subject: 	RE: It runs now! (pulls liike a beast too)

 It should be stoich mixture which in the factory ECM's causes the O2 volts
to swing from 100mv to 800mv 10-12 times per second. (Which averages at
stoich, 450mv or so).  You need to look at the info on your ECM and see
what they recomend for cruise O2... if the program isn't set up to make it
swing back and forth, then you'll never see the swings, no matter how lean
you go.
=========================================================== David Cooley N5XMT Internet: N5XMT at Packet: N5XMT at KQ4LO.#INT.NC.USA.NA T.A.P.R. Member #7068 We are Borg... Prepare to be assimilated! ===========================================================

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