Interfacing with GM '96-'97...

Terry/Carol Kelley terryk at
Tue Mar 23 02:32:41 GMT 1999

Try to find a dealer with a Tech 1 (Vertronix) or a Tech 2 (HP), and use
GCAR to snoop on the data stream while it updates the PCM. GCAR is in the
archives somewhere.

Terry Kelley

1986 Olds Ciera GT 3800 Supercharged

>I guess I would like to know where to start with building an interface for
>ALDL connector so that I can hook up a computer.  Does anyone have any
>information on an interface?  Is there a place I can go to download the
info I
>I know that what I would like to do is possible.  Hypertech sells a
>for my vehicle for $350..  The bad thing is you can only use it on ONE
>at a time.
>Dave G

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