Misc Electronics

Frederic Breitwieser frederic at xephic.dynip.com
Wed May 12 00:52:35 GMT 1999

> The whole point is to do spirited driving with the emulator/LT tied down,
> yet convient to work with

Well, most eprom circuits can handle the load of an additional 74HCxx
gate draped off the eprom, therefore you could use the 74HC06 (?) which
has four TTL-like cmos buffers in them.  Send each gate's input to one
of the eprom pins, then the output would go to a "real" TTL chip of the
same number, minus the "HC" designation (Highspeed Cmos).  The TTL chips
are much more tolerant of scope, voltmeters and other probes and with a
handful of chips, you could monitor the output of all the pins easily,
even drive LEDS if that suits your fancy.  Don't worry about hitting the
power or ground pins with the 74HC gates, the outputs would just be
"stuck" at either +5V or ground... which would at least tell you what
the power pins are on a not-so-common eprom.

Hope that helps... if you want to expand on this, feel free to snag me


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