BCC 3067 axxc / disassembly

jgwynne at mrcday.com jgwynne at mrcday.com
Tue May 18 14:48:30 GMT 1999

   In message <Voyager.990518100021.11034A at node141>, you write:

| > tools; see http://home.worldnet.fr/stcarrez/m68hc11_port.html).
| GREAT url, I had this a year ago but lost my hotlist ( I just love M$ )
| I'll take this home and try to compile it on either qnx ( not much help to mo
| st,
| and or linux)

easy build on linux, but I had to remove the current directory from

The command

m6811-objdump -m m68hc11 -D -b binary --adjust-vma=0x8000 \
  --start-address=0xb000 92Z_TPI_305_T5_stock_32k.bin

seems to correctly disassemble the binary. It is not a threaded
disassembler, but that may not be that big of an issue for this code.

john gwynne

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