Lesson 0 (was Re: Aargh. (was Re: Now what?))

Shannen Durphey shannen at grolen.com
Wed May 26 22:13:24 GMT 1999

Marc Randolph wrote:
> Howdy Shannen,

> If you learn the same way as me, it is by doing, not reading.  I can
> read and read and it just won't sink in.  But give me a few problems
> and examples to get me primed, and then the book becomes something
> useful and I can learn and experiment on my own from there.
Exactly.  I learned more about the DEC system we used in college after
the "access denied" message appeared than I ever would have had things
worked like I expected.  Given a problem, there was meaning to the
> So, what exactly do you want to learn?  

Good question.  I don't know how much I don't know.  I'm thinking that
I have different aspects of this to overcome.  

1) How to use the binary files from the burner in a disassembler  I
haven't found anything that likes them the way they are.

2) how to learn the instructions, not just memorize them.  Should I be
trying to reprogram the embedded controllers in the coin operated
washers downstairs?

3) How to find tools that will be of use now, and later.  Investing in
them isn't a problem, but I'd hate to buy more than what's needed, or
have to buy more later.

> and hundreds of different programs out there, which makes it difficult
> to talk about specifics because when I say L0100, it is actually L0106
> for someone else.
Well, I haven't come to that bridge yet.

>  It has 
> been mentioned on the list before, but you'll need a disassembled 
> version of the code from some car also.

Maybe this is what's slowing me down.  You are using a borrowed
disassembly?  I've been trying to find and understand the
disassembler, so as to use a prom/ecm I already have, as well as learn
the assy.

 What we need is a table listing and a disassembled
> program listing so that everyone can work from the same page.  Maybe
> ANHT since it is already out there thanks to ECMGUY?  Since it already
> has quite a few comments, it might be a good place to start - we can
> double check everything.  Or is there some other PROM that we should
> look at instead?
Fine for me, but it won't be long before I'm itching to try something
with what we're learning.  And if I can't, well, it will be
>    Marc (wondering about that "puddle of knowledge" we're standing in)


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