
Peter Gargano peter at ntserver.techedge.com.au
Mon May 31 12:26:36 GMT 1999

Charlie Springer wrote (A highly edited extract):

> a Scenix 70 MHz chip .. averages 50 MIPS...
> The HC11 at 8 MHz is about 2 MIPS...

At 50 MIPS you could EMULATE an HC11 on a Scenix, maybe even faster
than an 8 Mhz HC11. The 2 kWord PIC sized memory space may just be enough 
to do it (although you'd miss out on the 11's peripherals)!

I will say however that the 68HC11 is a "traditional" microprocessor, and,
for anyone wanting to understand micros, this is a great chip to start with,
and certainly easier to understand than the instruction set of a PIC variant.

Also, the  PIC programming model is not very useful for the large code space 
required for a modern EFI/IGN system.

Peter Gargano

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