
steve ravet Steve.Ravet at arm.com
Mon May 31 22:27:36 GMT 1999

Bruce Plecan wrote:
> It's been mentioned to me that they use this cpu, in robotic applications,
> and that there are protyping/project boards, and simulations the will run
> code on a PC to check for errors.
>    My problem is not knowing enough to understand who has the most basic of
> the above.  I figure I'd just try a little simple stuff to get the knack of
> it, before getting too deep, in the reversing end of it.    I cruised around
> looking at robotics, and found mention of some of these but they all sounded
> like they were for 3rd year EE students.    I need something for the CSH
> Brigade....
>    Does anyone have a part no. or firm that sells a project board, or
> simulator for like $100, that would be for the lowest level of beginner (s)
> <g>?.
> Grumpy

Here's some stuff I saw in the comp.dsp FAQ under the question "where
can I get emulators for the 6811?":

While the 68HC11 is not a DSP processor, emulators are available for
those who might be interested in doing DSP on
    these processors: 

        New Mexico State University (NMSU) simulator engine,
ftp://crl.nmsu.edu/pub/non-lexical/6811/ (Unix). Simulator
        engine with a command-line interface. 
ftp://cherupakha.media.mit.edu/pub/projects/6811/sim6811/ (Mac).
Screen-oriented user interface based
        on the NMSU simulator engine (plus bug fixes). 
        EM11, http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/8543/
(MS-DOS). Simulator and source-level debugger. 
http://freeware.aus.sps.mot.com/freeweb/pub/ibm/sim68vs.zip (MS Windows
3.1/95). Simulator and
        source-level debugger. 
        Windows-Based Simulator,
http://copperhead.cse.rmit.edu.au/micro/Simulator/ (MS Windows
        Screen-oriented user interface, can interface emulator to
external hardware. 

Since these are simulators I suppose you can just load in a binary and
go.  I don't know how much of the peripheral hardware is supported


Steve Ravet
steve.ravet at arm.com
Advanced Risc Machines, Inc.

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