was beating horses..now maf flow
John S. Gwynne
jsg at mrcday.com
Mon Nov 1 21:24:26 GMT 1999
>Here is my question. Will my connectors for 165 ECM go into 730 ecm ? Do I
>have to add many wires?
I recommend getting the ecm harness end of a 730 from the junk yard. I
made a pin extraction tool from a piece of TIG wire. After practicing
on a hand full of pins (from the 730 connector), you will have no
problems extracting the pins from the 165 connectors and inserting
them into the 730 ends. It's not a hard exchange to make.
>Anyone have a diagram/info on swap over?
Yes, wire diagram and a pin cross reference chart for the change
over... I've been meaning to put that on the ftp site....
>Anyone have a 730 ecm?
You might try Paul Tholey <pxtx at erols.com> (Paul, I hope you don't
mind me mentioning your name). I've ordered several from him (on the
order of $35 each) that I hope to do the surface mount work and
soldering to convert to the battery backup RAM option.... in hopes of
inspiring more help in the software development. Those interested in
helping with that development should email me.
john gwynne
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