TBI cam duration

CSH-HQ nacelp at jvlnet.com
Sat Nov 6 01:25:33 GMT 1999

I'd really appreciate being lead by the nose thru this, since I'm not up to 
readig code, or quite undertanding what your doing here.

>If you raise the fuel pressure differential across the injectors, you will
>get more fuel delivery,  roughly in accord with the "square" rule found in
>most hydraulics texts.  One really simple "bolt-on" way of accomplishing
>this is to go to your local GM dealer and order  P/N 17113079.  This is a
>30psig TBI regulator/meter cover assembly which will bolt directly in place
>of the stock parts found on your TBI unit.  Doing so will give you about
>220'ish  pounds per hour of net synchronous fuel at around 5000 RPM on the
>same V8 engine, which is roughly enough fuel flow for around 500+ Hp max.
>The only drawback is that you must also rescale/reprogram your TBI software
>tables to suit the newfound injector flow.  There are enough "hacks"  of the
>common GM TBI boxes that this should not be an insurmountable problem once a
>basic understanding of TBI/EFI software is  acquired for your application.
>Don't just change single variables like "KNEGRCNST", without  massaging the
>equivalent EGR mass tables, if you wish to retain EGR functionality.

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