CSH needed here too
Warwick Anderson
warricka at in4free.com.au
Sat Nov 6 01:32:43 GMT 1999
first engine rebuild came from a loose fly wheel
6 cyl hemi charger raced on Sunday and put away running fine
started on next Friday night HUGE rattle and "clonking " from engine
mates and grease monkeys looked at it and listened
got replays like smashed pistons, broken crank and other expensive retorts
so remove head, nothing so far
remove motor and sump nothing
bumped fly wheel with motor upside down and it rocked back and forward
all six bolts loose
nothing at all wrong with motor
(got machinist to lighten fly wheel a bit too, asked for 4 pounds to be
taken off , he took 5 kilograms came back looking like a flex plate )
added three extra bolts to fly wheel on rebuilding seems nine works better
then six
was only 17
big CHS needed
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