165 UART chip (used for 8192 ALDL)

Peter Gargano peter at ntserver.techedge.com.au
Wed Nov 10 04:08:33 GMT 1999

Where do these lies come from ?^)

I wrote:

> Does anyone have any information on the UART, with a
> view to finding a replacement, clone, upgrade, etc.?

Okay, the 1227165's CPU (a 1603 4980) does indeed have
an Rx (pin 45) and Tx (pin 46) (refer to Ludis's schematic 
for the 12277481 - same CPU). and these pins are connected
to the "UART" - which begs the question (statement?):

  U2 (1227165) is a transciever/converter, not a UART?

U2 pin 5 is TxD, pin 10 is RxD.
U2 pin 20, 21 are Vcc (+5 volts)
U2 pins 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 26, 
        27, 28 are earthed (GND). 
U2 pins 11, and 25 are N/C

Just looking at where other PCB traces go...


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