[admin] What next.... (MUST READ)
digi at saturn.terahertz.net
Thu Nov 11 23:26:39 GMT 1999
Some dial-up ISPS in canada log all their traffic but aside from that, I
havn't seen any US ISPs implement it.
It requires massive hardware, and a lot of storage. They may record
UDP/ICMP packets, but, would be nearly impossible without very very
expensive computing power to log TCP traffic, and then later retreive it.
They port scan you to find out what your running, unless you deny their IP
then that makes their scanners think the IP is dead if it doesnt
cross-refrence it with a active list.
On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, David A. Cooley wrote:
> At 04:21 PM 11/11/99 -0800, you wrote:
> >Ludis,
> >
> >How would they know if you're usin your cable modem for a server or just
> >browsing? maybe because of the bytes transferred? or what?
> >
> >Just wonderin,
> >
> >Reply off list if ya wish!!
> From what they see on the users end.
> They monitor what you do and keep logs of everything that goes in and out
> and what type of data it was.
> that covers their butts legally if someone does illegal activities... cops
> get a warrant, ISP/Cableco turns over logs.
> ===========================================================
> David Cooley N5XMT Internet: N5XMT at bellsouth.net
> Packet: N5XMT at KQ4LO.#INT.NC.USA.NA T.A.P.R. Member #7068
> Sponges grow in the ocean... Wonder how deep it would be if they didn't?!
> ===========================================================
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