'7747 bin wanted
Marc Piccioni
piccioni at cadvision.com
Thu Nov 18 05:08:28 GMT 1999
Thanks people, I'm going to set it at 8 deg and try it from there. I have 2
eproms 1 from a 5.0 and another from a 5.7, going to try the 5.7 cal 1st.
I get the cal codes next trip out to the shop.
From: Bruce Plecan[SMTP:nacelp at bright.net]
Sent: November 17, 1999 12:29 PM
To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: '7747 bin wanted
If your refering to the gm data, that is for a mech distributor/carb..
His mention was TBI, and all the 5.7 stuff I recall is 6d, but found from
experience some like the 8-10.
On a mech dist.'d engine the initial is a lot harder to have right since
it's hard to get the curve to kick in at idle, to get 16ish at 800 (and
of motors would like 20)..
Now getting the curve right using a look up table is a no brainer, the
initial cranking/prime shoot has alot to do with the initial timing. With
the engine
(specially with a bigger than oem cam) it likes to windmill as it spins,
rather then hit and start. I perfer the instant crank and fire, but then
sometimes use a defeat switch so that in cold weather I can crank the
to get Oill Pressure before appling fuel/spark.
| the zz4 used 10 degrees.
| > From: Marc Piccioni <piccioni at cadvision.com>
| > To: "'gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu'"
<gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>
| > Subject: RE: '7747 bin wanted
| > Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 21:51:22 -0700
| > Reply-to: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
| > Well after many more hours than expected, the engines running. Anyone
have the base timing spec for an '89 5.7 light duty engine?
| >
| > /Marc
| >
| > ----------
| > From: EFISYSTEMS at aol.com[SMTP:EFISYSTEMS at aol.com]
| > Sent: October 24, 1999 11:47 PM
| > To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
| > Subject: Re: '7747 bin wanted
| >
| > Hi Marc,
| > I'd be glad to help too....Where are you located???? prolly
| > contact me offlist at InTech at writeme.com ttyl
| > -Carl Summers
| >
| >
| > In a message dated 10/24/99 8:52:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
| > mpiccioni at attcanada.net writes:
| >
| > << Subj: '7747 bin wanted
| > Date: 10/24/99 8:52:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time
| > From: mpiccioni at attcanada.net (Marc Piccioni)
| > Sender: owner-gmecm at esl.eng.ohio-state.edu
| > Reply-to: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
| > To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
('gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu')
| >
| > Hi group,
| >
| > After monitoring and learning a great deal from this group, I've
| > jumped in with both feet and am 3/4's down swapping a 89' 350 TBI
| > into my '83 Malibu.
| >
| > The engine is light duty variant out of a 1500 series PU, the only
| > wiring harness that I was able to get used locally is out of a '88 HD
| > ton G van. The G van harness is set up with a kickdown relay for a TH
| > and doesn't have provision for EGR.
| >
| > The Malibu has a L/U TH 350 in it and a 2.91 rear gear.
| >
| > Any suggestion for a bin ? I'd be willing to pay for someone's time to
| > and burn an EPROM (EPROM burner's on the Xmas list......).
| >
| > The engine is bolted in and needs about another 6 hours to finish
| > the ECM and misc. assembly to complete. I have a LD 350 bin and net
res. to
| > get it fire up initially.
| >
| > /Marc
| > >>
| >
| >
| >
| ~~~
| Dave Z. www.delanet.com/~tgp
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