'7747 bin wanted/TPI conversion
Marc Piccioni
piccioni at cadvision.com
Thu Nov 18 05:14:09 GMT 1999
What series is the truck 1500, 2500 or 3500 ? Also could you look on the
option decal and see what the engine code is it will usually start with a
From: Thomas Matthews[SMTP:tmatthew at stny.lrun.com]
Sent: November 17, 1999 9:58 PM
To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: '7747 bin wanted/TPI conversion
My 89 350 TBI 4WD truck has 0 degrees on the sticker...
I just bought it last month, and I have a copy of the 'bin, ASDU
Anyone wants it, let me know... my FTP's rather flaky lately...
All factory stock, and 247,000 miles- still smokes the tires, not the
exhaust... Don't tell me that GM doesn't get 'em right sometimes...
Plans are to 383 it, and put a TPI unit on it, maybe add redrilled Vortec
heads- I want an under 4000 rpm torque monster.
Anybody convert an 88-up full size truck to TPI with pictures? I'm looking
for ideas on how to run the air intake...
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