Heads up code at 0x5800, and Log ram at 0x5000
Marc Piccioni
piccioni at cadvision.com
Sun Nov 21 17:48:16 GMT 1999
GM use an external system to allow the calibration to be changed "on the
fly', it plugged into the edge connector on the ECM pcb that on production
systems is potted over. The heads up system mounted on the dashboard and
has a LCD read out along with a controls to allow trimming of the fuel and
timing curves. Too bad Delco never offer the system to the racing
From: Peter Gargano[SMTP:peter at ntserver.techedge.com.au]
Sent: November 19, 1999 9:25 PM
To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Heads up code at 0x5800, and Log ram at 0x5000
After looking at some disassemblies..
Heads up code at 0x5800, and Log ram at 0x5000 (for '165/'808) ???
The archives say....
! The JRS are to the GM heads up algo that is used to create
! to original factory cailb. GM'ers call this the "heads up system"
! Ward Spoonemore
What's this all about?
"heads up algorithm"??
"original factory calib."??
"log ram??
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