Tailor made patches?
Bruce Plecan
nacelp at bright.net
Tue Nov 23 00:24:12 GMT 1999
----- Original Message -----
Subject: Re: Tailor made patches?
| Bruce,
| You've been quiet. . . Or, maybe you knew I can't turn down
| a challenge?
Been doing some none EFI stuff, drove to MD yesterday for some blocks for my
gmefi project (Buick T/C 4.1,200R4).
| (Keep those pennies in escrow, I'll come an visit when you have
| the get-together!).
Already done (see, I had faith in you). The 28 cents is safety under lock
and key at the escrow dept. here at CSH, HQ's Credit Union.
| BobR.
| CSH-HQ wrote:
| > This I gotta see,
| > I have 2 weeks wages for the drawfs, to wager on this (remembering they
| > to work for shiny new pennies).
| > Would this be a Jump to Subroutine?.
| > Grumpy
| > Ever notice how the pros make anything sound easy
| >
| > >This is do-able. It appears that enough of the fuel routines are
| > >in the eprom, opposed to being in rom. You'll just need to find
| > >some room in the eprom to add a couple of lines of code.
| > >Probably need to swipe space from an unused table (hi-way spk!).
| > >
| > >Just check the mph val against the 75 you seek, and kill the
| > >injector pulse (set it to zero). Then use a time value or hyst
| > >on the mph val before turning fuel back on.
| > >
| > >BobR.
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