EMI Problems?
JTesta1966 at aol.com
JTesta1966 at aol.com
Wed Nov 24 13:27:16 GMT 1999
In a message dated 11/24/99 7:56:36 AM Eastern Standard Time, kojab at ar.com.au
<< I have a strange feeling that many problems on high load/high rpm may be
caused by EMI produced by the spark lead or ignition modules. A friend
of mine had such a problem and moved his coil pack around the car, with
suprising results. The car basic >>
Ya know, its been drawn to my attention a few times, by a WELL versed tuner
that some injectors cause this problem too. Matter of fact, the injectors I
have (MSD50's..aka..Rochester) apparently cause lots of electrical "noise" in
my pals car while he was usinga batch fire DFI, when he switched to a SEFI
box the problems all but went away. (I think I'm relaying this right, it was
a long time ago) Anyway, he attributed it to 6 "noisey" injectors at the same
time wreaking havoc on his electronics. And when he went to a SEFI box the
problem was just about eliminated I assume since there was only one injector
acting at a time. He said some injectors were more suseptible to this noise
than others. He said the MSD's were the worst...now he tells me ;-P So, my
point I guess, noise can come from MANY places. Not only ignition components
Jim Testa TType86 on #BuickGN
jtesta1966 at aol.com irc.dal.net:7000
ASE Master Technician NJ Lic. Motor Vehicle Inspector
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