BUA binary
Peter Gargano
peter at ntserver.techedge.com.au
Sat Nov 27 03:49:54 GMT 1999
1227165 Hackers,
I almost have a BUA source generated from BUA_hac (ie. from ECMguy's
site, original source unspecified). I'm at the stage where I have
removed the obvious typo, translation and other errors you often find
in a disassembly.
But this has raised doubts as to whether the .BIN file is correct,
or the hac listing is correct. An example of this is where the list
file seems to "fix" a problem (eg. non continuous tables in the BIN)
OOH there are situations where it seems the BINary is correct, and
the disassembly listing obviously wrong.
So, what is the genealogy of BUA, and specifically the BINary that
I have from "incoming"? Are there other (different) versions of BUA?
What is BUA an abbreviation of? ...
Note that I'm specifically referring to subtle differences in the
CODE, not the DATA, or TABLES, that a user may modify.
If I can't find any answers, then I was thinking I'd post a modified
BUA_hac that assembled exactly to the posted BUA.BIN, OR to what I
think BUA.BIN should be - either version controlled by assembly
conditional statements.
Is anyone running BUA? The listing says it's...
* BUA/9340 P/N 16059335 8/1/85 P
* SS BY BUA/1728 P/N
* ECM P/N 1227165
* MY86 YB L98 MD8 NM8 VE1 G44
* GM P4 computer system
* Calibration Tables
* From 1986 Y CAR, (BUA, VETTE)
Can anyone send me a BIN of their "BUA"?
Peter Gargano
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