Diacom Cable
Pat Ford
pford at qnx.com
Tue Nov 30 14:59:57 GMT 1999
Did you even read the original post? ( Ed Rinda did you?) Ed,
I'm sure your software is good BUT I doubt you have a legal monopoly
on interfacing a pc to the aldl port. I addition some of us want
the cable THAT DOES NOT include copy protection for uses that don't
include your software.
to Ed and General Motors, I read this once, " it is better to remain
silent and thought a fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt".
Previously, you (General Motors) wrote:
{ Let's be honest about this - all the DIY software
{ packages use a serial cable (MAX chip). If you're
{ going to make up a Diacom clone interface, then
{ there's
{ really only one conclusion - you're going to use the
{ Diacom software.
BULLSHIT, some of us can write software, and not even for M$
products. isn't Diacoms cable a p.port cable, your difinition
of clone is way off in this case.
{ Now if you own one already, then
{ that's fine, otherwise, why would you ask others if
{ they want one too?
Because there are programmers on the list who want to play
with interfacing a computer to a gmecm
{ I don't want this to sound like an advert for Rinda,
{ but, as well as Diacom cables, they sell service. Not
{ too many DIY packages come with this feature!
and your point is? I preffer shareware w/ source then
I can be my techsupport line. Have you seen the QNX demo disk?
I have an aldl interface, and a bunch of other stuff (including
a posix os, and gui) all on one disk!
{ If you
{ use their software, and you don't pay for it, then
{ this is plain and simple theft.
I agree, I get paid to program, BUT can you explain how making a
protocol adapter constitutes theft
{ I want no part of a group that promotes theft. OTOH...
I salute your high morals, but a clone is an identicle copy either
in function or implimentation, the use of a different hardware port
alone is enough to make this not a clone.
{ Do the DIY software developers a favour, tell them
{ you use their software. Perhaps they'll be motivated
{ to improve it, or add support for your ECM.
yeap we like feedback 8)
{ JM$02W, GM.
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Pat Ford email: pford at qnx.com
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