Diacom Cable
Pat Ford
pford at qnx.com
Tue Nov 30 15:46:21 GMT 1999
Previously, you (Mike Rolica) wrote:
{ I have written a program-almost in the beta stage, It is similar to the
{ diacom but will be used with a emulator, with real time logging and
{ display.
Most cool!
{ It will also show what changes you made in a window (from what to
{ what) and it also has a box that shows what effect it had from logged
{ average. Also thinking of taking bruce's idea of et estimator and using it
{ to calculate ¼ mile times and show inprovement.
I've been playing with an axdl105 and the circuit in circuitcellar ink
and feeding that into the game port, you might want to look at that as an additional input.
{ Go blow you horn somewhere else ED, If you want to copy protect your
{ software, go the microsoft route!
{ Mike Rolica
{ Meridian Magnesium Products
{ Strathroy, Ont
{ Ext. 260
{ -----Original Message-----
{ From: General Motors [SMTP:a1227ecm at yahoo.com]
{ Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 12:12 AM
{ To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
{ Subject: Re: Diacom Cable
{ Let's be honest about this - all the DIY software
{ packages use a serial cable (MAX chip). If you're
{ going to make up a Diacom clone interface, then
{ there's
{ really only one conclusion - you're going to use the
{ Diacom software. Now if you own one already, then
{ that's fine, otherwise, why would you ask others if
{ they want one too?
{ I don't want this to sound like an advert for Rinda,
{ but, as well as Diacom cables, they sell service. Not
{ too many DIY packages come with this feature! If you
{ use their software, and you don't pay for it, then
{ this is plain and simple theft. I want no part of a
{ group that promotes theft. OTOH...
{ Do the DIY software developers a favour, tell them
{ you use their software. Perhaps they'll be motivated
{ to improve it, or add support for your ECM.
{ JM$02W, GM.
{ __________________________________________________
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Pat Ford email: pford at qnx.com
QNX Software Systems, Ltd. WWW: http://www.qnx.com
(613) 591-0931 (voice) mail: 175 Terence Matthews
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