Orlando-Kissimee Electronics/salvagers

Mika Helander mika_helander at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 4 08:50:39 GMT 1999

>Hi Mika,
>I was going to respond to you directly but I want to make sure I'm
>explaining it correctly (so guys feel free to jump in).  I didn't really
>disable the EGR, but rather the ECM's ability to set the EGR (32) code
>which would force limp-home and the SES light.  It's my understanding
>that the ECM commands the EGR (under certain conditions) to close (when
>it would normally be open) and it looks for the vacuum to increase a
>specific amount.  In my case, my cam makes less vacuum that expected; in
>yours I suspect that the lack of back pressure decreases the pressure
>(vacuum) change. The short answer is that I modified the enable bit for
>error 32, recalculated the checksum, and burnt a new chip.  It's my
>understanding that the EGR still operates and the test is performed but
>the code cannot be set.  This works for me as it was not my intention to
>disable the EGR only eliminate the limp-home problem.

That what I did also. I still believe that because ECM is thinking there is 
EGR it plays with it and with AFR and causes a little poorer fuel economy in 
highway driving. I also disabled code 13 (too low voltage from O2 sensor) 
which occurs when driving very slow eg. in traffic - I think because exhaust 
gases are colder in low-RPM driving.

>P.S. A heated  O2 sensor switched off the fuel pump relay wouldn't be a
>bad idea, with the headers.  I run one with my cast iron manifolds.

That's one of my upgoing modification; lacking of reasonable source of one - 
at least from Finland where I live; I'm willing to mail-order...

>>Hi Brent.
>>I got interested how did You disable EGR in ANLW PROM? I'm having
>>7747 with ANLX in Chevy VAN 20 350 TBI followed by TH-700. After
>>removing CAT and replacing stock cast-iron manifolds by headers I got 
>>those EGR-32-codes...

| Mika Helander - mailto:Mika_Helander at hotmail.com
| Lestitie 10, FIN-90650 Oulu, FINLAND
| Phone int. +358-(0)40-0853-644 FAX +358-(0)40-1853-644

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