Decompiled 165-based Code?

Craig Moates craig.moates at
Thu Oct 7 12:57:39 GMT 1999


Has anyone had luck reading the 165 'hack' disassembly file on ECMGuy's page? For some reason, I cannot (tried various iterations of PDF-based solutions). I would like to study some decompiled 165 code, preferably something similar to an ACXS (305 TPI 700r4 MAF 2.73) program. If anyone feels they can help (feel free to attach via email if you'd like) it would be much appreciated.

Also, a couple days back, I believe it was Dave Zug who mentioned using a Motorola ICS05 package for related activities. Perhaps someone could describe in a bit more detail how a kit such as this could be interfaced with the 165, how it would work, and what capabilities (off-line simulation, on-the-fly program changes, disassembly, etc.) it could inject. It sounds as if something along these lines could replace an EPROM programmer. I'm trying to learn as much as I can, so any more help will be met with thanks.

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