Reading ALDL 8192 stream from '165

Craig Moates craig.moates at
Wed Oct 13 03:06:41 GMT 1999

Ok, I think I am making some progress, but I must be missing something or
doing something wrong.

I'm trying to talk with my '165 TPI ECM using a MAX-232 interface (the one
so often referenced) which I put together. I'm using quick-basic 4.5 out of
Win98 through Com1. Using the advice of member Barry Tisdale (in the
archives here), I have sent a set of values to the port to set up in 8220

I've also wired +5v to pin 6 on the comport, and tied all three grounds (com
pin 5, neg. post of 9v ps battery used to power 5v regulator, and ALDL pin
A) together. On the software end, I have something like the following:

del = 20000
del2 = 200000
OPEN "com1:9600,n,8,1" FOR RANDOM AS 1
badr = &H3F8
OUT badr + 3, 128
OUT badr, 14
OUT badr + 1, 0
OUT badr + 3, 3
a = INP(badr)
h$ = HEX$(a)
IF a < 16 THEN h$ = "0" + h$
PRINT h$; "-";

I've done exactly no serial I/O programming to this point, so I could be
missing the boat here. I do get values, but very limited (like FE, 00, FC,
and that's about it). These repeat pretty regularly. I've used 'PCMComm'
with similar levels of result. What's next? How do I tell this ECM to talk
to me, and what are these values I am seeing, assuming that they are really
from the ECM? When I disconnect it, or the power supply, everything goes to

Anyhow, I guess I'm getting close. I now need some help with the protocol,
or need bailing out of whatever I'm doing wrong. Please help if you can, I
don't see a lot around about how to talk with a '165 using a homemade rig.
I'm trying here, so pardon if I seem somewhat green as yet.


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