GM 2732 won't program...27512's

Lou lfaustini at
Mon Oct 18 01:29:51 GMT 1999

   I am looking for a MAP sensor that I can use from vaccum (i.e. manafold
vaccum at idle) to +20psi (from a supercharger)..   Do any of the OEM (i.e.
GM's) sensors have a dynamic range that would be suitable for this?

  -- another good question- most of the GM MAP sensors all --look-- alike,
are they the same calibration ?  I would imagine, if I were the minds at GM,
I would use the same exact sensor for as many cars as I possibly could. Did
GM do that? or are there a whole bunch'a diferent MAP sensors ?

  --- third quiestion:   I have an 88 GMC Jimmy (s-10 blazer equiv) and I
have been told that I have a 747 ECM in this truck. I was assuming that this
was the case, but when I looked at the ALDL serial data, it was coming out
at 8192 baud. According to the data I have seen on this list, the 747 ECM
uses the 160 baud link.. can anyone explain this?

  Thank you very, very much for your time.


   lfaustini at

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