PC Boards for ALDL
Marc Piccioni
mpiccioni at attcanada.net
Tue Oct 19 03:29:31 GMT 1999
Any chance this would work for Diacom ??
From: Andrew K. Mattei[SMTP:amattei at mindspring.com]
Sent: October 18, 1999 8:18 PM
To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
Subject: PC Boards for ALDL
Hey guys...
I thought I might throw this out here as well. I'm going to start building
MAX232 interfaces for a bunch of the F-body guys (thanks to some programming
software that's coming out ;) ), and am going to be having printed circuit
boards made per Peter Fenske's circuit (1 MAX232, 6 caps, 9 resistors, 4
NPN's, and a 7805 Voltage Regulator). Anyhow, I was wondering if anyone here
1) Want a fully assembled and tested unit ($50 US)
2) Want a bag of parts so they could put 'em together ($40)
3) Want just a little printed circuit board so they could build their own
The plan is to put the boards inside the clamshell type DB25 Null Modem
adapter. One side would be RS232, the other would be ALDL. Cigarette lighter
adapter (with internal fuse ;) ) hangs precariously out of the unit for
power. <G>
If there's any interest in boards, cables, or whatnot (I realize a lot more
guys here do their own soldering versus over in the main F-body camp), let
me know off list.
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