Ultrasonic Injector Cleaning

IROCEDU at aol.com IROCEDU at aol.com
Wed Oct 20 22:50:04 GMT 1999

Hello I'm new to this list, but I got tired of sitting on the bench
I thought maybe this info may be of use to you,
If you MUST blow some $ on fuel "boosters" there is
ONLY ONE that actually does anything.  It's called
"Max Race", and is a blend of Nitropropane and the
other run of the mill octane boosting hydrocarbons.
Here's the background.... Nitromethane will not
dissolve in gasoline, only alcohol.  Nitropropane will
dissolve into gasoline, but when you do add this, you
need other burn retarding agents. These are needed
because of the "Nitro" part will increase cylinder
pressure quite a bit, and you need to guard against
detonation.  I used to get Max Race down in Brazoria,
but they quit carrying it.  Maybe some of the speed
shops or Race Fuel distributors carry it.

Notice how I said "burn retarding" not "octane
boosting".  Some hydorcarbon compounds do increase
octane, or the resistance to detonation, BUT they SUCK
for making power.  If the label says "light Aliphatic
Hydrocarbons" the stuff is JUNK. The aromatic
hydrocarbons like Ethyl Benzene, Toluene, Xylene do a
good job of octane boosting with small amounts, they
clean the fuel system well, and burn decently.

The best "home brew" that I've found so far is 40%
Toluene, 10% Xylene, and 50% MTBE.  I ran 4 gallons of
this to a full tank in BG99 race.  I had the 150 HP
pills in the Nitrous Express nozzle, 1200 psi in a
fresh bottle, and man, what a ride!  It was smooth,
and didn't complain (except tranny).  Even with the
tranny slippage, I ran 0.222 faster 1/8 mile than my
best 1/8 time on the 12.39 1/4 mile pass.  Now,
granted, using the 104 octane race gas would be
better, but geeze, the 5 gallons of this "brew" cost
me $27, and I estimate the tanks octane at around 102.
 A tank of 104 race gas costs $103!  That difference
will buy a lot of nitrous!

OK, so where would you get this stuff?  The best place
I've found Toluene is at a Petroleum supply outlet, or
industrial supply store.   Xylene you can get in a
paint store, it's called "Zip-Strip".  Now the MTBE I
don't have a good line on.  I get it from one of the
GN folk.  If anyone knows where to get MTBE, let us

WARNING!  Don't get any of this stuff on your paint,
they don't call it "Zip-Strip" for nothing.  It is
much worse than spilling gasoline on the paint, but
it's not like industrial paint stripper either.

Anyway, you people with heads/cam/intake may could use
some more octane than 93 pump gas, but most others
will not need anything more.

BTW, in the winter more MTBE is blended into the pump
gas.  Most people notice that it doesn't run as strong
or get as good mpg as in summer.  So much MTBE is
added that the fuel wants to burn lean.  A quart of
Xylene to a tank of this stuff runs real nice.  The
Xylene "richens" up the fuel a bit without doing much
to the octane value since you're only adding a quart,
maybe .7 more.

Sorry so Long,

Dominique Medina

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