programmer, and eraser questions

CSH-HQ nacelp at
Sun Oct 24 22:18:26 GMT 1999

I some how missed your name, but welcome.
Any way GLAD to have you here
>I have a Pocket Programmer also.. and believe it or not, it caught on fire 
>on me. It literally melted the whole case. I'm still not sure what happened 
>with it. I mainly before was using a Needham's Electronics PB-10, which is 
>a programmer with a card that goes in an ISA slot. The Pocket Programmer 
>was my portable unit for going to the races, etc. After my PP burnt up, I 
>bought a Needham's Electronics EMP10 which is also a "portable" unit.. just 
>a bit bulkier but a far better unit. The software for the EMP series of 
>burners is also much better than Intronics software IMO. If only they have 
>a Windows based software package for the EMP-10......
>Jay Carter

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