Autocad Wiring Drawings 1227165 & 1227747

David C. Allen davida at
Mon Oct 25 02:19:23 GMT 1999

I have poster to the incoming FTP an autocad R14 drawing of the wiring 
harness for a TPI 86 F-Body using a 1227165 ECM & the wiring harness for a 
TBI 87 Suburban  using a 1227747 ECM. The file name is 747to165.dwg

Using Layer Manager, you can select 1986 1227165, and it will show the 
stock 1227165 wiring harness, Select 1987 1227747 and it will show the 
stock 1227747 wiring harness.

Select 1989 1227165, and it will show a new wiring harness for TPI 1227165 
ECM in a TBI Suburban.


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