Ebay ECM

Frederic Breitwieser frederic at xephic.dynip.com
Sun Oct 31 02:09:36 GMT 1999

> Likely a 7170. If it's over $30, too much. Dime a dozen in the wrecking
> yards. Fiero V6.

Currently 10 bucks.  But if I were to do an EFI from scratch for a V6,
the SyTy ECM would be my first choice, and the Buick 148 GN or FWD ECM
would be my second choice.  Both being in performance cars, offer a lot
of aftermarket support in programmers, chips, code, etc.


Frederic Breitwieser
Xephic Technology
769 Sylvan Ave #9
Bridgeport CT 06606

Tele: (203) 372-2707
 Fax: (603) 372-1147
Web: http://xephic.dynip.com/

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