165 Question
Mark Romans
romans at pacbell.net
Wed Sep 1 04:44:32 GMT 1999
When I look at the 86 code and the 89 code (I don't have a list for the
87-88) they are very similar, as is the 87-88 code. The 86-88's all had
the 4+3 trans. The code controls the od. I have my 87 programmed so that
the od no longer defaults on, ever, the od will apply if I hit the od
button 2x on the first apply and after that it works normally on and off
with the button. If I floor the accellerator it will downshift out of od
and stay out. If I want od again I have to hit the button 2x. The main
thing is it no longer defaults on after a hot restart when I shift into 2nd
gear. The pinouts for the 89 and the 87/88 are similar for the ecm
controls. Pinout C7 is used for the 87/88 for manuals for the od control
switch and for the od switch for the auto only for the 89 ecm. The A7 term
is used for the skip shift solonoid in the 89 app and for the od solonoid in
the 87-88 app. The trans controls for the 87-88 code starts at C290, it
starts at C28F in the 89 code. There are many similarities in the code.
Both also have to control the tcc in an automatic app. I just would like to
use the skip shift controls to control the OD in the 4+3.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Zug <dzug at delanet.com>
To: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu <gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: 165 Question
The first stopper is that if the trans code is larger than about 15
bytes it will not fit in the 16k rom. the 89 vette code that
packs the rom. I'm not sure if the address space above or
below the program/data location is mapped and available. there may be
other creative ways around this.
> From: "Mark Romans" <romans at pacbell.net>
> To: <gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu>
> Subject: 165 Question
> Date: Thu, 26 Aug 1999 21:24:42 -0700
> Reply-to: gmecm at efi332.eng.ohio-state.edu
> Hello all: I have no idea if this is even possible, but I would like to
> know if anyone knows if it is possible to install the trans control code
> 87-88 4+3 Vet trans into the 89 code so that I could run the 89 6pd code
> eliminating the cold start injector and allowing hwy fuel and spark.
> the two codes together? Insert/snip applicable sections?
> Mark
Dave Z. www.delanet.com/~tgp
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