new here with questions

David Cooley n5xmt at
Tue Sep 7 13:18:17 GMT 1999

At 08:02 AM 9/7/1999 -0400, you wrote:
>No All the sensors are hooked up but the only sensors that the ECM are using
>is the tps and the cts.  This is how I came to the conclusion that the
>hypertech chip, is always in limp mode.  It will not even go into diagnostic
>mode.  I know it is not the ECM because when the original chip goes in, it
>will go into diagnostic mode, the iac will move.  But it will not start with
>the OEM chip because of that stupid VATS,  I've screwed with it all weekend
>and still can't get the injectors to fire so I'm forced to run in limp mode
>with the hypertech chip  (crap  @#@# to deal with too). HELP ME!!!  What is
>the part number from GM for the VATS module as  The 555 timer, a 5v
>regulator,  3.3k and 22k resistor does not work  (sending pin 3  from 555 to
>ecm pin B6).  I have a pulse, can see it with the test light.

Try using the 12 volts direct to power the 555, maybe the ECM needs a 12 
volt signal.
Also, you mentioned part of the components for the timer circuit, what 
about the capacitors?
Also, what kind of test light??? putting a big enough load on the 555 pin 3 
(test light) can burn out the chip.
David Cooley N5XMT Internet: N5XMT at
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