FW: Vss on 165 ecm help!

Mike Rolica mrolica at meridian-mag.com
Tue Sep 21 16:46:23 GMT 1999

Tanks :-) you guys are a lot of help!
Helped get vats bypassed, works great!
Now just vss!
I would like to get a eprom burner/eraser but I need more background
knowledge on code, hexadecimal, prog ect  I'm embarssed to admit it but prog
101 was a little over my head.  I'm good with tuning, how engine works, vol
eff. Spark curve/cyl pressure vs rpm.

Hi Mike
With the 89 165 ecm calibration methinks it needs a 2000 ppm open collector
If the led speedo drive is 0-12 volts then couple it via a 10k resistor to
the base of a 3904, tie the emitter to gnd and use the collector to drive
the 165 ecm.

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