Free aldl hacking software

Paul Blackmore paul_blackmore at
Tue Sep 28 03:57:54 GMT 1999

Just a quick pointer to some software that folks might find handy
when trying to hack out an aldl data stream.

probe.exe - is a command line driven program that lets you
            interactively send requests to the aldl and see the
getopt.dll - parses command line arguments for probe.exe.
synchcom.dll - provides synchronous serial coms for probe.exe.

Source code is also available. I'll be making mods to the software and 
eventually building a fully configurable ALDL display program that can be 
configured for any aldl data stream. So send in any
comments, pitfalls, warnings, wish lists etc...

Cheers and happy hacking.
Paul Blackmore

No one ever looks back with regret and says:
I have spent too much time with my kids,
I should have spent more time at work.

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