Orlando-Kissimee Electronics/salvagers

Mika Helander mika_helander at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 28 08:26:41 GMT 1999

Hi Brent.

I got interested how did You disable EGR in ANLW PROM? I'm having
7747 with ANLX in Chevy VAN 20 350 TBI followed by TH-700. After removing 
CAT and replacing stock cast-iron manifolds by headers I got those 


Brent Obermiller wrote:

>Help, I'm stuck in the Orlando, FL until January and I'm looking for a
>recommendable salvager (emproms, ecms, and car parts in general) and for
>an electronics store that would sell the 2732/2732a emprom locally.  I
>just fried my last spare (recovered from V6 computer) and I'm finially
>feel ready to start tuning the 7747 for my application, as ANLW is
>working great with EGR code disabled.
>Thanks, Brent

| Mika Helander - mailto:Mika_Helander at hotmail.com
| Lestitie 10, FIN-90650 Oulu, FINLAND
| Phone int. +358-(0)40-0853-644 FAX +358-(0)40-1853-644

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