EPROM Programming
Mike Rolica
mrolica at meridian-mag.com
Thu Aug 3 19:17:11 GMT 2000
Hello All,
HAY :-)
I am interested in modifying my GMECM EPROM. I have read Programming
101 and
the tuning tips.
Excellent.. great start... if you have specific questions, download
the archives from the ftp site.
So is it as simple as getting an EPROM burner, getting
tuning software like Tunercat, getting their chip TDF file for the
ECM that I
have, making the changes, and then burning the chip?
Pretty well.... Depending on your application, there is other
freeware around like winbin, promedit..
It is also advisable to have a scan tool of some sort.. weather home
built or proff... aain this depends on your application.. ecm type ect
That way you can see where in the cal it needs to be tuned, and what
affect the changes you make have
Will the .bin files on
the DIY-EFI site work without any changes?
Most likely if it is the same bcc as your prom...
Or do I have to remove the VATS
and EGR functions?
Again depends on the aplication... ie car.. bcc( well more the mask
on the prom) and ecm type..
(mask is sort of the template that the cal is laid on..)
In reading the tuning tips by Dr. Bruce Plecan, it appears
that you make a change, drive the car, then make another change.
Isn't that
very time consuming since you have to reburn the chip every time
yea sorta...but is only way you can be sure what affect each change
had...in the long run is less time consumeing that making 10 changes,
finding out it didn't work and burning 100 more chips just to find what out
of the ten didn't work...see what I mean?
, or is he
using some real time program he didn't mention?
Not of yet I don't believe....
Last, does anyone know if the fuel pressure on a TBI system changes
engine vacuum like it does on a TPI system?
I think so, but I'm not a tbi expert....
Thanks for the help.
John Wilson
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