EPROM Programming
David Posea
dposea at mindspring.com
Fri Aug 4 20:06:24 GMT 2000
I don;t want to start a brand war here, but the GM is much easier to tune
than the Ford. Ford uses four spark tables, each contributing under
different conditions. In the 96+ models, one whole bank 56K is used for
calibration data. We often set all but one set of tables to maximum values
to take them out of play in tuning. The point I'm trying to make here is
that ECM systems are extemely complex, and you might as well plan on
spending lots of time getting it right. For me the key to a good tune is the
abilitly to datalog. If you don't know what the ECM is doing, how can you
tune it?
-----Original Message-----
From: Len Sabatine <sabatine at epix.net>
To: gmecm at diy-efi.org <gmecm at diy-efi.org>
Date: Friday, August 04, 2000 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: EPROM Programming
> There's NO silver bullet for getting a specific system calibration "right
>on" other than
> hard work and attention to detail. Ever wonder why OEMs have so many
> calibrations on seemingly identical equipped vehicle ? The devil is in
>the details,
> emulators just help to get them done quicker , working with old
>technology Eproms,
> which eat lots of valuable time in the erase and write process. It's not
>difficult to see
> why most devices use "Flash" now. On commercial programs , they are just
>that ,
> mostly fits all calibrations. Want yours to be right on , you've got to
>invest the time
> it takes to make it work the way you want. There's folks that do
>good calibrations,
> and it's worth every $ they charge for the service , but you must seek
>them out, they're
> too busy to be telling you I'm the greatest, just ask me thing.
> Len
>>Thanks all,
>>I have spent the last week searching the old E-mail archives and then
>>at all the links on the GMECM site. I was up til 4 in the morning once
>>I got addicted to all the great info I was finding. In particular, I saw
>>the TPI ignition module adds its own advance without the ECM hooked up
>>solved a problem I was having. Plus, I have asked a lot of questions at
>>TPIS.com, Turbocity, Thrasher-ep.com etc. Its not that I don't understand
>>I get different answers from all the vendors. Just trying to sort out
>>propaganda and what's fact. Thrasher's site seems to contradict what TPIS
>>says, etc. So I thought I would just write my own chips. It just seemed
>>a horrendously long task to burn a chip, drive it, change it, and so on.
>>Plecan, since you obviously now know what a perfect chip can do, how do
>>aftermarket chips, (Hypertech, TurboCity, TPIS, etc.) stack up to your
>>Are they close or are they way behind? How close can they get just by you
>>giving them your engine specs? Turbocity actually brags about the ability
>>their chip man. I can't believe they could spend the time you have and
>>it profitable for them.
>>Last, it seems that the emulator in the WINBIN link would really reduce
>>chip perfection time. Is this program a viable project? Why hasn't this
>>done already by Diacom? Actually, Haltech E6GM may be the same thing but I
>>gathered it was not a GM ECM but some sort of less featured copy.
>>Anyway, I at first thought this site was sponsored by GM, but now I
>>that Steve Ravet and other members donated their time to this build this
>>I wanted to thank them and everyone else who contributed. Its pretty
>>John Wilson
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