EPROM Programming
Mike Rolica
mrolica at meridian-mag.com
Fri Aug 4 12:50:56 GMT 2000
Yea, I have just about decided to put a VSS in also. I asked Howell,
Turbocity, TPIS, etc., if they recommended a VSS and they said only if I had
an auto, but it looks like the VSS is the only thing that will fix my
unstable idle.
My ECM is a 1227730, but the chip came out of a 7727 Corvette ECM
that I bought and sold on Ebay. As for the EPROM .bin file, all I know is
the guy said it was a high performance chip with VATS and EGR disabled.
Actually, the reason I bought TPI to begin with is I was trying to
improve my MPG by at least 50%. I was going to run the engine on 4 cylinders
at cruise similar to the Cadillac 4-6-8 system from years back. I'm still
working on it but the O2 sensor has to be moved to complete my experiment.
Can I mount the O2 say only 4 inches from the exhaust port on cylinder #1?
I've heard both no and yes, so I'm still waiting for a good reason not to.
Run a hegos in the pipe.....you will kill it infront of the port :-)
Ahh 7730 wooo hooooooo my kinda guy!!!!!!!! He is outa your court
and into mine mark!!:-) <grin>
Yes you can get allot fron tuning the stock ecm.....
For speed sensor, the inline one from a jeep for cruise will work.
The 730 needs an ac sig... the jeep gen a ac sig..
This is what I'm currently using on my 730 in my s15 355
Hoow one side of sensor to vsshigh and one to vss low... and away ya
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