BCC help
Shannen Durphey
shannen at grolen.com
Mon Aug 7 07:10:28 GMT 2000
This one sounds familiar. Have you been looking for this one for a
while? There's nothing about it in my info. AAXK, AAXL, then AAXN,
AAXP. All are 2.8 cals, most are auto + fed. emissions. Might look
for an AAXN5486 to compare it to.
Ludis Langens wrote:
> Shannen Durphey wrote:
> >
> > 1989 Lumina, 2.8, California emissions, THM 125 transaxle, 2.84:1
> > final drive, 1227730 ecm. This calibration is not superceded.
> >
> > Next?
> How about AAXM5482? The mask id implies it is an 1987-88 2.8 V6 PFI
> LB6. This matches my minimal notes about the donor vehicle, but it
> would be useful to know a bit more.
> --
> Ludis Langens ludis (at) cruzers (dot) com
> Mac, Fiero, & engine controller goodies: http://www.cruzers.com/~ludis/
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