BCC help
Shannen Durphey
shannen at grolen.com
Mon Aug 7 07:13:34 GMT 2000
WEG1192 at aol.com wrote:
> This one too. ARYC8212.
1990 Lumina, 2.8, Federal emissions, auto trans, 3.18:1 final drive,
7730 ecm, not superceded.
You're going to put copies of all these on FTP, yes? ; )
Question, from the archives I have learned that the
> memcal (7730) contains an EPROM, an ESC module, and resistor packs. Obviously
> the EPROM is unique for a particular vehicle, but what about the other two?
> Is the EPROM and the ESC on a given memcal a matched pair? Same question for
> the resistor packs? From what I can get from the archives, all components are
> for a certain model vehicle and should stay together, i.e., memcal from a 305
> won't work in a 350 even if EPROM is retuned?
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