Off Topic: How to manually solder SMD chips?
Marteney, Steven J.
smarteney at
Tue Aug 8 20:15:04 GMT 2000
Believe it or not, if you can acquire solder flux in liquid form, you spread
that over all the pins on the device. Probably a good idea to tack solder
one or two pins. Then with the liquid solder flux all over the place...
start soldering. This method will quickly solder down a large device but
does not guarantee that no pins will be shorted. Did this with a 208 pin
PQFP, had to go back over it with a magnifier to look for solder shorts and
fix them with a fine pitch iron.
Kind of hard to explain in words, but to my amazement, it worked.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jose Carlos Felicio Rublescki [mailto:rublesck at]
Sent: Sunday, August 06, 2000 9:41 PM
To: gmecm at
Subject: Off Topic: How to manually solder SMD chips?
Hi. Sorry this is off-topic.
Does anyone have experience in manually soldering SMD chips?
How can I solder without inadvertedly connecting several pins together?
Jose Carlos
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