TBI flow rate data clips from DIY-EFI
Niinikoski, Juha
Juha.Niinikoski at mikrolog.fi
Wed Aug 9 20:46:32 GMT 2000
I am slowly learning more. My original question still remains unanswered.
What are these injectors ?
AC side is 5235342*RPD
other side 5235134*RPD
two pieces 5235206*RPD
two pieces 5235203*RPD
Color codes are faded away.
I managed to find out that 5203 are from 4.3 but no other information.
BTW what is the reason having two different size injectors in TBI ? How much
different (flow rate) are they usually ?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fran and Bud [SMTP:quest100 at gte.net]
> Sent: 9. elokuuta 2000 19:27
> To: gmecm at diy-efi.org
> Subject: TBI flow rate data clips from DIY-EFI
> I have seen a couple of requests for archived data, but no answers,
> so here is some of the data that I collected from DIY messages
> as they were going on throughout 1999.
> Sorry I dont have the names of individuals that provided the data to
> give credit where due, but I just snipped the data and not the
> rest of the messages.
> DATA CLIPS FROM 99 DIY-EFI communications:
> The SBC throttle bodies flow about 480 CFM, and injectors vary by
> application, the BBC throttle bodies are 600 CFM (Numbers from Holley in
> their advertizing).
> Injector sizes in lbs./hr (each):
> 55 SBC Truck
> 65 Police injectors
> 85 Late BBC P/Us
> 95 Early BBC P/Us
> TBI's
> >
> > As far as I know the 6965 was only used in 350's with the 65#/hr
> > (Yellow/Brown) injectors. The 91 truck Throttle body has 55's
> > (orange/black). So your jetting is way off.
> >
> > By the way, the color code for the 4.3 is Yellow/Blue.
> >
> > The total flow is what counts. ie
> > 5.7 Orn/Blks are 55#/hr
> > 5.7 Yel/Brwn are 65
> > Late model Big Block 80
> > Early Big Block 90
> > Bruce
> >
> > > Grn/Wht 305 CID eng about 40 #/hr
> > > Org/Blk 350 PU about 55 #/hr
> > > Yel/Brn 350 Cop Car about 65 #/hr
> > > Blu/Blk Late BBC PU about 80 #/hr
> > > EarlyBBC PU about 90 #/hr
> > > Purple??
> >
> I hope this is of help to someone.
> Bud
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