Ported MAF
Romans, Mark
romans at starstream.net
Sun Aug 13 01:19:54 GMT 2000
I am working on converting my 87 to 90 radiator shroud, dual fans, and 90
air filter ducting so I can run a 730 ecm and speed density to get around
the fact that the maf will read more than 255 grams/sec but the software
I have never researched it other than anecdotally but the Porsche 928 is
supposed to use a larger bosch maf. I suspect if all the ducting was
replaced with larger ducting and some time was spent calibrating the maf
with the larger bosch maf you could make it work.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl Summers" <InTech at writeme.com>
To: <gmecm at diy-efi.org>
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 5:19 PM
Subject: RE: Ported MAF
> Not saying you can't make it work but for emissions this theory does not
> work well....I have seen dual MAF's used but requires the outputs of each
> be converted to grms/sec then added together and used as a
> calculation.....From what I have seen no matter what you do with the
> one MAF will always read different than the one next to it....hth's
> -Carl Summers
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-gmecm at diy-efi.org [mailto:owner-gmecm at diy-efi.org]On Behalf
> Of WEG1192 at aol.com
> Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 3:33 PM
> To: gmecm at diy-efi.org
> Subject: Re: Ported MAF
> In a message dated 08/12/2000 11:30:37 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> amattei at mindspring.com writes:
> << Ported MAF >>
> Anyone considered installing two stock MAF sensors in parallel side by
> and then multiplying the gms/sec numbers by two in the ECM calcualtions?
> Would this work to give you more airflow at less pressure drop? All you
> would
> have to do is make sure the air split was done right to give equal
> drop through each one. Leave one MAF connected to the ECM as normal and
> other unconnected as a dummy sensor.
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