She's alive
Bruce Plecan
nacelp at
Tue Aug 15 16:17:06 GMT 2000
Ooops thought that was off list
> Went to 40's
> Translator is in the trunk. I wanted to get it running with the oem stuff
> code free before playing too much.
> First test drive, was fun.
> Gotta let cool and check things.
> Power brakes (has vacuum booster), seem not too effective
> Hmm.
> Well jus details at this point.
> Grumpy
> > << My GN runs,
> > gotta do a chip for the big injectors and then test drive
> > Yehaaa
> > Bruce >>
> > How big u go? I got a decent 50# file if you dont have a translator. Its
> > decent start anyway.
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