Plug Reading
Len Sabatine
sabatine at
Wed Aug 16 15:51:25 GMT 2000
Yep , and to that end , additive packages vary per fuel provider, add to
the art
of reading spark plugs. Spec additive packages provide us with end
results of what
they do to plug coloration, from what I've observed along the way. Some
tend to rapidly deposit the metallic component[ s ] on insulators,
tending to muddy
the tune up in short order. Others don't color readily /easily , Fuel
itself is a variable
in the tuning mix. Fuels dosed with aromatics can look fat , when in
fact, may be
a tad lean , as a variable. GM deals with these issues in calibrations as
well , it's a
big variable producing vehicles that work anywhere under nearly any
>Red / Pinkness, is from manganese, just don't try a never change the plugs
>attitude (not that I think you would), just they crap out at idle easily
>when too much red deposits
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Mike Rolica" <mrolica at>
>To: <gmecm at>
>Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 8:20 AM
>Subject: RE: Plug Reading
> > I like tan to redish brown....i liKke it,,,.. my favorite colour.....
> > Mike Rolica
> > Plant A,
> > Magnesium Products Division
> > Strathroy
> >
> > (519)-245-4040 Ext. 244
> >
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Bruce Plecan [SMTP:nacelp at]
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 11:50 PM
> > To: gmecm at
> > Subject: Plug Reading
> >
> > Circle track and racing technology has an article and pics about
> > plugs
> > I caution you that the plugs they show are extreme examples.
> > They try to show tell a difference in detonation, and preignition,
> > both are
> > about the same thing plug reading wise, gnerally, and the cures the
> > same
> > They also subscribe to the gray is fine club, ughhh, sure, Oh well.
> > Bruce
> > 87 Black Car
> > Vader, Paging Mr Vader, Paging Mr Darth Vader your car is ready
> > hhehehehe
> >
> > ----- End of forwarded message from owner-gmecm at -----
> >
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