Ford injectors
Jim and Sharon Brady
bradyiii at
Wed Aug 16 23:07:35 GMT 2000
Absolutely. I have a set of 8 - 24# injectors. These injectors are
brand new and half the price of comparable GM and GM aftermarket injectors.
Good Luck and just don't tell your friends they are Ford!
Jim Brady
'87 Monte SS 383 TPI 6 speed
> I found a set of Ford 30# injectors in the Summit Racing online catalog
> was wondering if they are compatible with a GM system. They are advertised
> Ford Motorsports injectors from Ford Racing Performance Parts. I can't
> if it is a Bosch injector or not. Would the Ford injectors fit the GM
> harness? If they are Bosch injectors, is 209.00 a good price for a set of
> Thanks
> Eric
> --
> Eric Norgard
> Software Engineer Voice: 303-415-6146 (Direct)
> Aztek Engineering Inc. 303-786-9100 (Receptionist)
> 2477, 55th St., Suite 202 Fax : 303-786-9190
> Boulder, CO 80301-2835 Email: Eric.Norgard at
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