Ford injectors
Len Sabatine
sabatine at
Thu Aug 17 23:57:43 GMT 2000
I wouldn't suppose , that GM Multitec "disk " type injector doesn't
have a uniform spray pattern.
Recent , Bosch , Lucas and Seimens also offer Disk style , which
according to design criteria
are less susceptible to varnishing and have improved "fuel inertia"
characteristics. OEs' are twiddling
with the spray angle , atomization and shape of cone , aim @ Valve /
The voltage span on Ford /Denso injector is "slightly narrower range
than GM spec , still within
GM acceptable range. Likely, FOMOCO inj. / drv. has a different
debounce scheme , so Inj
rattle on open/close, when used on GM. Just some food for thought. No
damage to PCM or
Injectors? , car runs strong ?, noise is easily fixed , turn up the
tunes. BTW good '94 ^ Lt1
Multitecs work great on warmed 5L Windsors. Delco Rochester needs to
get price competitive.
> > > My GM 24# injectors are nice 'n quiet. Probably don't spray nearly as
> > > uniformly as SVOs...
> >
> > I'd like to see data before assuming that.
>Me too. That was a supposition, not an assumption. :-) I'd love to see
>spray pattern comparison data, the GMs are cheap and plentiful as the guys
>driving '94-'97 LT1s love swapping them out.
> > that quietness probably equates to slower/softer
> > > opening & closing.
> >
> > Or maybe just design, ball, disc, pintle. If slower / softer then might
> > mean longer lasting, and consistant through out life expectancy
>These are the Multec design if I understand correctly. I got two sets,
>will snap a pic of the base and post to the list. Very unique design,
>they pass the fuel thru a machined plate with holes in it.
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