teknickle difikulty
Carl Summers
InTech at writeme.com
Fri Aug 18 10:52:24 GMT 2000
Hi Shannen,
Verified the 10 degree jump the module provides at ~1600rpm with wire
unplugged.....Locked e-brake and loaded throttle with and without the wire
plugged and diacom was accurate with the timing light....This is why I
brought up this question....I don't generally do diagnostic stuff so thought
some of you guys might have seen it and know why....As soon as I get the
vacuum leak fixed(next week) I'll delve into it a little deeper....Tried for
that 80+ million yesterday in the CA lottery....didn't get it...crap,
shoulda worked on this truck yesterday. :)
-Carl Summers
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-gmecm at diy-efi.org [mailto:owner-gmecm at diy-efi.org]On Behalf
Of Shannen Durphey
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 3:27 AM
To: gmecm at diy-efi.org
Subject: Re: teknickle difikulty
Somewhere around 1800-2200 rpm the module will advance timing if it's
not getting 5V from the ecm. It's very sudden. Disconnect 5V line,
start at 800, bring rpm up. Watch for timing to jump.
Timing matching with EST unplugged is a coincidence. Prolly pretty
rare, too. You might want to buy a lottery ticket since you're
beating the odds today.
With the EST disconnected I'd bet it wouldn't take much to find an
rpm/vacuum where Diacom and the timing light don't agree, if you were
Carl Summers wrote:
> Hi All,
> Working on a 94 Chev Pu here with Blower and TBI, 7427 4l60E....has
> been running well for about 4 years...Runs really poor now...I start with
> the basics and check timing and fuel pressure....fuel pressure is good but
> timing is 22degrees with est plug disconnected(should be 0)....so I
> to move it back and it doesn't like it...dies every time....I notice on
> diacom that the IAC counts down to 0 AND the diacom shows 22 degrees
> with the EST unplugged....hmmmm....unhook the IAC motor and hook up my IAC
> tester/driver and close the IAC completely and engine still idles at
> 800.....anyway bottom line on the iac stuff is I have a vacuum leak
> the blower and the intake manifold...My question is: Have any of you seen
> spot in the code that increases timing back to what is in the table if IAC
> will not lower the rpm enough???? Kinda seems backwards....I was thinking
> had a bad ecm at first since I had an IAC code, EST code and some
> others....The timing with and without the EST wire plugged in always
> what the diacom says so seems as if all is well with the ECM....Oh well
> checking with Y'all if you have seen this before....ttyl
> -Calr Summers
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